

Click on a link below to learn more about the item.

Bear ID: 1234567 金额: $X.XX 开票日期: 2024年8月4日
学生姓名: 乔的学生   截止日期:2024年9月4日
Term Date 描述 Charges Credits
  2024-08 *以前的帐单余额* $XX.XX  
202450 2024-08 A/R退款给学生 $XX.XX  
  2024-08 新入学学生成功费 $XX.XX  
  2024-08 学生服务费 $XX.XX  
  2024-08 LEAF Fee $XX.XX  
  2024-08 资本费用 $XX.XX  
  2024-08 技术费 $XX.XX  
  2024-08 健康保险 $XX.XX  
  2024-08 学费 $XX.XX  
  2024-08 差别学费业务 $XX.XX  
  2024-08 项目费用 $XX.XX  
  2024-08 生物110课程费用 $XX.XX  
  2024-08 ESCI 265参与费 $XX.XX  
  2024-08 APCE 616评估费 $XX.XX  
  2024-08 EDSE 329监理费 $XX.XX  
  2024-08 停车许可证 $XX.XX  
  2024-08 图书馆很好 $XX.XX  
  2024-08 毕业费用 $XX.XX  
  2024-08 健康保险豁免 $XX.XX  
  2024-08 特纳房合同 $XX.XX  
  2024-08 用餐合约收费 $XX.XX  
  2024-08 大学机会基金津贴   $XX.XX
  2024-08 入学确认保证金   $XX.XX
  2024-08 以需要为本补助金   $XX.XX
  2024-08 Plus Loan   $XX.XX
  2024-08 Pell Grant   $XX.XX
  2024-08 斯塔福德补贴   $XX.XX
  2024-08 教务长新生   $XX.XX
  未来余额:XX美元.XX 应付总额:XX美元.XX


通过注册课程,我明白我要负责学费和其他费用 与这些课程相关的费用. I must follow procedures for formal add/drop and 休学和不出勤并不能免除我的学费. 我明白,如果我的账户出现欠款,我将承担服务费。 托收费用和法律费用. Please review the Statement of Financial Responsibility 如需更多资料,请浏览 http://dvq5.jyycl.com/bursar/your-account/.

你的付款应全额付清. 如果未支付全额,则打1.5%的服务费 be assessed on unpaid billing charges.

博天堂官方有一个月付款计划,让你可以轻松地按月分期付款 而不是一次性付清. This plan includes your tuition, room and board, and 所有大学费用. More information on this plan can be found at the following websites:

     http://dvq5.jyycl.com/bursar/pdf/Bear_Pay_English.pdf        http://dvq5.jyycl.com/bursar/pdf/Bear_Pay_Spanish.pdf

其他账单信息,包括学生健康保险信息, 财政援助,阿灵顿公园的租金,账单权,以及大学的各个部门 电话号码可在 http://dvq5.jyycl.com/bursar/.

Due Date:
你的付款应全额付清. 如果未支付全额,则为1.5%的服务费 被评估未付帐单费用. 有关付款期限,请参阅 财务主管的日历.
Any balance brought forward from prior bill or semester.
Designates the term that these charges apply to. 前四位数字是年份 最后两位数字是10——期中学期,30——春季学期,40——夏季学期, 50 -秋季学期. 202450是2024年的秋季学期.
Tuition varies according to residency and graduate or undergraduate status. Tuition 当学生调整了他/她的课程表时,可能会出现在多条线上, i.e.增加或减少课程.
非文科核心(LAC)理科/SES/艺术课程将收取差异学费。 Business, Nursing, Music, Theatre and Dance. Students will not pay differential tuition 任何LAC课程.
特定项目费用增加了高成本项目的资金来源(音乐、 Theatre, and Art in CPVA and the Nursing Program in NHS). 费用包括: 但不限于,供应、修理和更换仪器、设备.
学生资本费支持保税贷款还本付息和贷款运营 as well as capital repair and replacement. 按学时收费 are assessed for credits enrolled in from 1 through 10.
学生认可的各种学生服务费用,包括娱乐中心, Counseling Center, clubs, student activities and athletics. 按学时收费 are assessed for credits enrolled in from 1 to 10.
学生领导环境行动基金(Student LEAF)旨在 move the campus community toward a sustainability-minded culture. 这个基金资助 environmental improvements in campus infrastructure and educational initiatives. Student LEAF is managed by a committee led by students, staff and faculty representation. 每学分1美元,每学期不超过10学分(不超过20美元) per a traditional academic year) sustains the fund. 产生的节省 项目正以学生群体直接可见的方式进行再投资. 要获得资格,项目必须寻求提高校园资源效率,加强 the community, and provide practical career experiences for students. 例如, 一个项目可能会提出资助和/或包括学术参与发展 高效的灌溉系统.
用于装备新的智能教室,配备和维护计算机实验室,以及 providing students access to academic software.


一次性向所有新生收取260元“学生成功费”,不可退还; 无论是第一次还是转学. This covers programs and services that are critical to a student’s successful transition to an academic career at UNC.
成功过渡的最明显的组成部分之一是我们的入职培训计划. 该项目包括了解博天堂官方的资源,听取作为成员的期望 在学校里,与教职员工会面,选课,注册 类的.
与学生的学业目标、能力和职业目标相关的建议 不同于教师对具体课程的建议)正在进行的评估 以及开发专门为有效帮助学生而设计的项目 从高中或社区大学的学习模式过渡 and the mode of learning necessary to be successful at a University.
例子包括大学101第一年的研讨会和适当的发展 placement in foundational courses like math and English.
承担实验室全部或部分耗材费用的费用 或教室包括更换专用非资本实验室(5000美元以下) equipment. These fees are primarily for science, art and theatre.
用于支付教师的差旅费和相关的监督费用 of clinical, student teaching and similar courses. 这些主要用于教育 行为科学实习和观察,以及护理临床课程 在非现场地点.
收费的课程,费用的金额通过传递给供应商 the use of specialized facilities or services. 这可能还包括相关费用 with 实地考察旅行 required for the course. Examples include ski passes and archaeology 实地考察旅行.
Charged to cover the costs of third party tests. The fee is passed through to an external vendor. These are primarily used in applied psychology and special education courses 作为课程的一部分,学生在哪里学习管理和解释考试.
在线课程评估. Pay for adjunct cost resulting from increased course sections and smaller class sizes; it also funds instructional designers, development and training 加强网上课程.
学生健康保险费是由我们目前的保险公司支付的. 所有注册9个或以上学分的学生必须参加学生健康保险 小时,但在10日之前提供可比保险证明可以豁免 每年秋季学期的上课日. If the student health insurance is purchased for the academic year, summer is covered as well.
学生健康保险费是由我们目前的保险公司支付的. 所有注册9个或以上学分的学生必须参加学生健康保险 小时,但在10日之前提供可比保险证明可以豁免 每年秋季学期的上课日. If the student health insurance is purchased for the academic year, summer is covered as well.
Parking permits can be added to the student bill. 停车罚款也将适用 根据学生的说法. Questions regarding these charges should be directed to Parking 服务970-351-1971.
Library fines and lost library book charges can be added to the student bill. Questions regarding these charges should be directed to the Library at 970-351-2671.
注册官办公室在完成申请后评估一次性费用 毕业. This fee is non-refundable and is used to cover final processing of graduates, diploma expenses, and commencement ceremony expenses. 博天堂官方网站这个费用的问题 should be directed to Undergraduate Graduation at (970) 351-4862, option #3. There 也是研究生的毕业费,博天堂官方网站这个费用的问题应该是什么 be directed to the Graduate School at (970) 351-2831.
Rates can vary depending on residence hall. Questions regarding these charges should be directed to Residence Life 970-351-2721.
Rates can vary depending upon meal plan. Questions regarding these charges should be directed to Dining Services 970-351-2721.
这是从财务后剩余的余额中退还给您的金额 助学金已经被应用到你的学生账单中,你目前的账单费用已经被扣除 paid. If you have direct deposit set up, your refund will automatically go to your 支票账户. You may set up direct deposit at the Card Office, located in the 大学中心970-351-2821. You may contact the Cashier’s Office at 970-351-4UNC.
Colorado undergraduate residents are eligible. If the student has applied and authorized, $116 per credit hour will appear on the statement.
北科罗拉多大学需要200美元的不可退还的入学确认书 deposit to finalize your admission and secure your space in the incoming class. We encourage you to confirm your space immediately. 入学确认保证金 不是费用. The $200 applies directly to your student bill the first semester you 注册博天堂官方.
Financial aid can be made up of grants, scholarships and loans. 一个正数 in the credit column indicates aid was posted to your student account. A negative 信用栏中的金额表明资助从你的学生账户中转出. This can happen due to reversed hours, changes in financial status, etc. 联系 Office of 金融援助 at 970-351-4UNC for more information. 现行利率 有关贷款的信息可在 http://studentaid.gov/understand-aid/types/loans/interest-rates
博天堂官方需求资助/博天堂官方1889年创始人免费资助来自博天堂官方的学生. Available to full time students with financial need. Priority given to resident undergraduate students.
DL Plus贷款:
联邦直接父母+ /毕业生+贷款-由受抚养人的父母借款 student, or by a graduate student, and not based on financial need. 这个固定利率 rate loan is subject to change by the U.S. Congress and the amount is limited to the 学费减去其他补助.
Federal Pell Grant – Free monies to the student. 提供给本科生谁满足 联邦资格. Offered amount reflects full time status. 付款调整 按学时计算(12+ =全日制,9-11 =四分之三时间,6-8 =半小时) 时间,1-5 =不到半场时间).
DL Stafford资助:
联邦直接补贴斯塔福德贷款:基于证明经济需要的贷款. 贷款人是联邦政府. The interest rate is subject to change by the U.S. Congress.
Free Scholarship monies to the student. Automatically offered to student with a high 在校平均成绩不低于3分.2021年秋季入学.
Balance for any items that are not currently due. 


有关如何支付账单,在哪里支付账单的更多信息 在我们的无纸化电子账单学生账单系统和学生账户协议的副本 please 请浏览财务处网页.


学生可以在学期的第12周之前完全退学 semester. Students must start the process at the Registrar’s Office. 根据 在开始退出的日期,学费和杂费的一个百分比可能会被评估. Click for detailed information from the Registrar's web site.